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Feng Shui

Feng Shui is Chinese for “wind/water”. The term refers to geomancy but encompasses geography, astronomy, astrology and meteorology. On a practical level, Feng Shui experts in ancient China combined the diverse fields of topology, landscape architecture, interior design, psychology as well as environmental ecology into a cohesive, interdisciplinary practice. 


This philosophical system stems from a holistic point of view that sees total connectivity of everything in our universe — from the time and date of your birth (the specificity of your astrological chart is akin to the singularity of your thumbprint or the unique architecture of a snowflake) to the orientation of space, which affects the flow of your own qi (electromagnetic energy fields), as well as the qi of the earth. 

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Colour Psychology

Colour psychology is the effect that colour can have on the mental and emotional state of the human brain. Exploring the associations we have around colours is a way to get to understand and express ourselves. 


Whether you’re wondering what colour to paint the office, or you’re looking to redesign your retail space, the colors you choose can increase your chance of reaching your goals. Colour greatly influences human emotion and behaviour. If you’re hoping to make your workers more productive, or you want to encourage shoppers to spend money, understanding the basics of color psychology can help you design a space that will maximize your potential


Although the wall colour can’t perform miracles, it can certainly give you a boost in the right direction. Colour meanings can also change depending on the culture. It can have some effect on our mood, and our perception, brighten up an interior or add grandeur or a feeling of space and energy to an architectural build.


But even more in-depth than this is the fact that Colour can affect the energy of the space. Contact us for a colour consultation for your space. 

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